fredag 22 januari 2010

Server Side Code

First try with a custom plankton app has succeeded. How to extend plankton and make your own server logic:

Start your java project. Include the plankton.jar library. In your app, import com.plankton.*. Create a new WebServer object. That's basically it. But that doesn't do anything more than running the plankton webserver on it's own.

To insert your own server logic - create a new class that extends com.plankton.WebPage, let's call it myapp.TestWebPage. Do something in the class, let's just write something to the page in the constructor of the class:

write("hello world");

Then, last step to attach it to a plk-file. Add the class reference to the initial <plk> node:

<plk template="template.html" class="myapp.TestWebPage">
... your design ...

Done. Run your app. Surf to your .plk page and the text "hello world" will be printed before any content in the file. My example here

The text I wrote from my custom class is "I'm running the PlanktonTest!!!"

måndag 18 januari 2010

New Times

Nose To Nose

There has not been much development since the summer. I have my reasons. However, just recently I dusted off the old code. I have started to write a new webserver, for now called "Plankton". It is going to be a real lightweight and easy to start/use application for anyone who wants to run a small web without huge memory-and-process-consuming server applications, learning curve and tons of configuration options.

My thought is to also use Plankton for the World of Creeps, replacing the current tomcat/jsp setup. If this works as I intend, I will get rid of an application layer and in the same time make it much faster to develop since I won't be having the trouble with transferring live objects from one java-process to another (The running world -> Web app on tomcat). Web server and world will be the same running application.

The first test with Plankton v0.1b is running on port 443